We provide one-stop-shop service to effectively issue a Golden Visa for you and your family, on time and in the most efficient manner.
We handle on your behalf the whole procedure of obtaining Residence Permits and the Greek Citizenship. We provide the necessary legal advice for your case.
We successfully represent the seller or the purchaser and we handle the real estate purchase and transfer of ownership, from the beginning through the end.
We advise individuals, directors and businesses on legal matters concerning the corporate entity, its formation, maintenance, international transactions and dissolution.
Our tax experts advise clients in the area of taxation, focusing on the optimal tax structures, while serving clients’ specialized needs.
We successfully handle the whole procedure of obtaining and maintaining rights for patents, trademarks or designs.
Official translations for use in Greece under Greek Law can be prepared by a Greek attorney fluent in both languages.
A decision issued by a foreign court or a divorce can be implemented in Greece, provided it is officially translated in Greek and adheres to the law requirements.
The sooner we act on your best interest, the better results for you.
Contact us for more information and guidance: